
Donate to support local New South Wales’ communities

At MCC Welfare Services, we accept and are appreciative of donations of any amount. As a Public Benevolent Institution (DGR No. 491794), all amounts donated over $2 are tax deductible. We appreciate your generosity and use all donations to directly support community members or develop community initiatives. Your donation will support our programs such as English language lessons, outings for clients, beds and eventually an aged care facility.

Donate now

Deposits can be made to:

Name: MCC Welfare Services Inc
BSB: 032267
Account Number: 392329

Please email us at so we can say a very big thank you and issue you with a receipt.


Bequests sustain us. Leaving a bequest to MCC Welfare Services is simple.

1. Inclusive support
If your estate is not complicated you may prefer to create a will yourself. Otherwise, you may wish to consult a solicitor who is experienced in wills and estates. 

Already have a will? The most cost effective way to include a bequest to MCC Welfare Services is by adding a codicil – a short legal amendment to your will. Adding a codicil could be as simple as an email exchange with your solicitor and popping into their office to sign the amendment.

2. Choose a gift

You can use the following wording to ensure your gift
gets to us:

“I [insert your name here] bequeath to MCC Welfare Services Inc. of 96 Crystal Street, Petersham, NSW 2049 for its general purposes [or name a specific purpose]

[Choose one option from the list below]
  • the whole of my estate 
  • (insert number) percentage of my estate
  •  the residue of my estate 
  • the amount of $ (insert the value of your gift in cash) 
  • my (insert name of asset) 
free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorized officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s)."

3. Tell your family and friends
Communicate your wishes to your loved ones and please consider telling us about your bequest. Notifying us does not alter your right to change or update your wishes if circumstances change but it does help us plan for the future.

Find out more about donating. Call us on 0435 904 582.

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